Itextsharp Read Pdf

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Reading PDF content with itextsharp dll in VB.NET or C#. Ask Question. How can I read PDF content with the itextsharp with the Pdfreader class. My PDF may include Plain text or Images of the text. C# pdf itextsharp. Share improve this question. Edited Mar 31 '10 at 5:57. Dustin Laine. 32.8k 8 8 gold badges 75 75 silver badges 115. Creating a Page of specified size, we must have to create a iTextSharp.text.Rectangle object and Passing the size as argument to its constructor. There are a few way to define Page Size: First Way to define Page Size: Creating Page Size by Pixels or Inch. NOTE: In iTextSharp library, unit is 'point'. 72 points = 1 inch.

  1. I am looking how one would read normally using the StreamReader Class let me know if there is a.ReadLine Method Reading PDF Content check this link out – MethodMan Apr 1 '13 at 18:07 Hi @DJKRAZE Yes the PdfReader(urlFileName1) read all the lines at once. I dont think there is a.ReadLine method in iTextSharp.
  2. I'm using C# as programming platform and iTextSharp to read PDF content. I have used the below code to read the content but it seems it read per page. Public string ReadPdfFile(object File.
Active3 months ago

Is there an open source library that helps me reading/parsing PDF documents in .Net/C#?

4,0974 gold badges26 silver badges33 bronze badges

closed as not constructive by Bo Persson, S.L. Barth, ChrisF, jonsca, JunuxxOct 6 '12 at 22:16

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11 Answers

Since this question was last answered in 2008, iTextSharp has improved their api dramatically. If you download the latest version of their api from, you can use the following snippet of code to extract all text from a pdf into a string.

Brock NusserBrock Nusser
1,0261 gold badge8 silver badges4 bronze badges

iTextSharp is the best bet. Used it to make a spider for lucene.Net so that it could crawl PDF.

3,1941 gold badge25 silver badges65 bronze badges
6721 gold badge6 silver badges22 bronze badges

PDFClown might help but I would not recommend it for a big or heavy use application.

Raktim Biswas
3,6775 gold badges18 silver badges28 bronze badges
Ilya KochetovIlya Kochetov
15.7k5 gold badges39 silver badges57 bronze badges
Rafal Spacjer
4,0472 gold badges22 silver badges32 bronze badges
ShravankumarKumar ShravankumarKumar
1,8271 gold badge11 silver badges2 bronze badges

iText is the best library I know. Originally written in Java, there is a .NET port as well.



You could look into this:'s not completely free, but it looks very nice.

Divergent full book free. About Veronica Roth:Veronica Roth was born on 19 th August, 1988. The novel has been compared to other young adult books such as The Hunger Games and The Maze Runner because of its similar themes and target audience. The novel probes placement of authority and identity within the youth’s relationship to parents and other social forces. She is an American novelist and short story writer known for her debut New York Times bestselling Divergent trilogy, consisting of Divergent, and and four: A divergent collection. The novel explores the themes common to young adult fiction, such as adult authority and the transition from childhood to maturity, as well as such broader motifs as the place of violence and social structures within a post apocalyptic society.


Alex FortAlex Fort
15.5k5 gold badges38 silver badges51 bronze badges is open source and may be a good starting point for you.

Ben McEvoyBen McEvoy

aspose pdf works pretty well. then again, you have to pay for it


Itextsharp Read Pdf Table Example

1,0612 gold badges8 silver badges10 bronze badges




There is also LibHaru

2,1971 gold badge17 silver badges25 bronze badges

Have a look at Docotic.Pdf library. It does not require you to make source code of your application open (like iTextSharp with viral AGPL 3 license, for example).

Docotic.Pdf can be used to read PDF files and extract text with or without formatting. Please have a look at the sample that shows how to extract text from PDFs.

Disclaimer: I work for Bit Miracle, vendor of the library.


Itextsharp Read Pdf From Byte Array

9,00718 gold badges63 silver badges113 bronze badges

Itextsharp Read Pdf From Memorystream

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