Good Touch Bad Touch Pdf

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Leap motion for windows 10. What is Good Touch & Bad Touch? Important to conduct the pre adolescent educational program and make the children understand the difference between good and bad touch. Recent mishaps related. 1 Teaching Good Touch Bad Touch (Kids Safety Council) There are three things you can teach your children before you begin to teach them specific touching safety rules. Teach children the correct names of all their different body parts.

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Good Touch Bad Touch Book Pdf


Good Touch Bad Touch Curriculum

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Good Touch Bad Touch Worksheets Pdf

  • Today we are talking about touches and feelings we get from touches. Talking about touches and feelings is very important, because it helps us to be safe.
  • Why is it important to know the difference between a good touch and a bad touch? What message does our feelings send us?
  • What does your face look like when you are sad, angry, embarrassed, afraid, or ashamed? Can you name some things that make you feel sad, afraid, ashamed, angry, and embarrassed? When you feel ashamed, do you feel like hiding your face?
  • Do you remember how you felt when you broke something by accident, but you did not tell anyone? Sometimes when someone else touches us in a way they should not, we may feel ashamed. We may also feel scared. We might decide not to tell anyone because we are afraid we may get into trouble and we are ashamed.
  • Have students name at least four good touches such as a kiss, a pat on the back, a handshake etc.
  • Have class name four bad touches such as kicking, slapping, pinching, or being touched where you are not supposed to.
  • Who are people that we know, love, and trust?
  • It is very important to know, sometimes it makes a difference who is giving touching us. Hugs, kisses, and touches from people we know, love, and trust can be good touches, but those same kinds of touches from people we don’t know, love, or trust can be bad touches.
  • We feel happy, loved, and wanted. Good touches do not make us feel uncomfortable or ashamed.
  • When a touch makes us feel sad, frightened, unloved, or ashamed, we need to say stop. I am going to show you some pictures, you see if you can tell me if these are good touches or bad touches.
  • If you guessed “Good” touch about each picture, you were right. How can you tell? Do all the people in the pictures smile or seem comfortable with the touch?
  • Explain private areas are the areas of your body normally covered by your swimsuit. What happened to that touch? Is it a thumbs up or thumbs down touch? Sometimes touches can start out good touches, but they can turn into bad touches.
  • Would you give this a thumbs up for good touch or a thumbs down for a bad touch?
  • The boy on the bottom is the one being touched. He gets to say whether he feels it is a good or bad touch. Even if the one doing the touching says it is a good touch or fun, the one being touched always gets to say good or bad touch.
  • Even people that we know, love, and trust should not be touching us in ways that make us feel ashamed or uncomfortable. Parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, teachers, babysitters, pastors or others should not touch you in a bad way, and should never ask you to keep it a secret.
  • When touched in a bad way, do not keep it a secret. Tell someone that you trust and can help you.
  • Remember the Touching Rules.